Lec1 Introduction

Power point for lecture 1 Introduction of Epidemiology

Task 1 for Wednesday, 09 August 2023

  1. Find out the hypotheses regarding the association between the Flu Shot vaccine and Dystonia.”

2. “Do you recommend quitting exercise if I want to avoid a heart attack?”

Reference Article :  Artis yang Meninggal Usai Olahraga

Source : https://hot.detik.com/celeb/d-4904772/seperti-ashraf-sinclair-3-artis-ini-juga-meninggal-usai-olahraga/1

Apa itu Epidemiology?

Apa itu Perbedaan Kejadian Luar Biasa, Epidemi, Endemi dan Pandemi?

Perbedaan Extinction, Eradikasi, Eliminasi dan Kontrol Penyakit?

Penemuan John Snow , Fathers of Epidemiology